Pc Won't Go To Standby Automatically

I've spent hours trying to figure this out because I can't find an answer here on this forum.

Problem: My PC will not go into Standby automatically since installing BD 2010.

Why not?

Because the CPU usage goes above 10% every few seconds. Because of this the Windows XP Kernel-mode System Idle Detection thread determines that the system is not idle (idle means no user input, no aps running). It checks that the system is idle 1/min for 3 minutes and if it finds no tasks are running, then the system can go into Standby. If it finds a task running then the System Idle Counter gets reset to Zero, and starts all over again. (The Microsoft Knowledge Base article I pasted in below if you want more detail).

What is running causing my CPU usage (open Windows task manager: see Processes & Performance) to go above 10%?:

In the Task Manager I find vsserv.exe using more than 10% CPU several times in a minute, hence my computer will not enter Standby mode as explained above.

How can this be fixed?

1) BitDefender folks would have to change their software so that the above CPU usage decreases

OR, possibly

2) I could buy a much faster computer such that CPU usage goes below 10%. This is only a guess on my part.

My PC: 1.6Ghz Pentium III OS: Windows XP Home

I am curious. Is it just Windows XP PCs that have this problem? Is anyone having this problem with Vista or Windows 7?

Thanks for any help or comments on this issue.

Microsoft Knowledge Base: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/899975/

Windows XP does not enter standby after the exact period that is configured in the Power Options profile


Consider the following scenario. You configure the Power Options profile in Micr...Consider the following scenario. You configure the Power Options profile in Microsoft Windows XP so that the computer enters standby after a particular period has elapsed since the last significant system activity. For example, assume that the computer is running on AC power and that you configure the standby setting to 20 minutes. When you watch the computer for 20 minutes, it does not enter standby even though the system appears to be idle.


Even though the system appears to be idle, the Windows XP System Idle Task Sched...Even though the system appears to be idle, the Windows XP System Idle Task Scheduler service may be running system maintenance tasks. These tasks may trigger a reset of the System Idle counter. In this scenario, the computer does not enter standby.

Note Third-party programs and services may also be running during system idle time. These programs and services may use more than 10 percent of the computer's CPU and disk resources. This level of CPU and disk utilization may reset the System Idle counter and therefore delay the system from entering standby.


Windows schedules certain maintenance tasks when the following conditions are tr...Windows schedules certain maintenance tasks when the following conditions are true:

The system is idle.

The system running on AC power.

Some idle tasks may cause high CPU utilization and high disk utilization. Under these conditions, the system will experience delays in entering standby. By default in the following versions of Windows XP, the System Idle Task Scheduler service starts when the computer is idle for approximately 15 minutes:

Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2)

Windows XP Service Pack 1 ( SP1)

Windows XP with the hotfix from the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article installed:

310601 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/310601/ ) Computer does not enter standby mode if Power Options profile is set to standby after 45 or more minutes

The System Idle Task Scheduler service tries to schedule system maintenance tasks so that there is sufficient time to complete a particular task without triggering a reset of the System Idle counter. With this goal, the System Idle Task Scheduler service monitors the system for idle periods. This service considers the system to be idle if the following conditions are true for at least the last 10 minutes:

There is no user input.

CPU and disk utilization levels are less than 10 percent.

The system is not running on battery power.

No presentation program, such as a slide show or a movie player, is running.

If these conditions are true, the service then takes a system snapshot one time per minute for three consecutive minutes to monitor for any new tasks that may have started. If the service determines that no new tasks are running, the service is ready to schedule any queued tasks.

Note A task that is started by the System Idle Task Scheduler service, such as a virus scan or a disk optimization, may trigger a reset of the System Idle counter.

If a scheduled task runs and, in doing this, uses more than 10 percent of CPU and disk resources for an extended period, the Kernel-mode System Idle Detection thread determines that the system is not idle. Therefore, the System Idle counter is reset to zero. This reset process delays the system from entering standby... and so on...


  • Correction:

    My PC: 1.6Ghz Pentium IV OS: Windows XP Home

  • BD2010 - Maybe its not the problem.

    I may have to eat my words. I am now not so sure that BitDefender is the cause of this not entering Standby problem. I see that the Windows System Idle process may be the problem.

    I have re-installed XP Home (that was really fun) and done a clean re-install of BD IS 2010. Right now BD2010 seems to be working fine. I'll update here later if I have more info to share.

  • BD2010 - Maybe its not the problem.

    I may have to eat my words. I am now not so sure that BitDefender is the cause of this not entering Standby problem. I see that the Windows System Idle process may be the problem.

    I have re-installed XP Home (that was really fun) and done a clean re-install of BD IS 2010. Right now BD2010 seems to be working fine. I'll update here later if I have more info to share.

    My PC will now go into Standby automatically. I have removed some startup services using Avanquest Fixit Utilities and iTuneshelper.exe (using msconfig util - startup items). I'm not sure which of these items has helped reduce the System Idle process CPU usage, but something helped. I also have disabled in BD2010 the Vulnerability check, Antispam, Anitphishing and IM encryption. I don't know yet if any of these items is the cause.

  • Hello Phils BD2010,

    Regarding your request, please be informed that we did not encounter this issue so far with our product and we did not receive any request from any customer on this so far.

    Nevertheless, we are glad that you managed to find a solution to this and we hope that this topic will help others that may encounter the same problem.

    Thank you.