Bitdefender And Attitude

I am on my mother's pc as I type this. Renewing with BD is always no fun. I see the renewal serial number, but, in her account info, under 'status', I see nothing. Of course, I printed out all the order info and am prepared to use it, even though I don't live in this city and can't stay here in order to deal with this crap. Why, why, why do you keep putting us through this crap BD? If I wasn't doing this for my elderly mother, rest assured she couldn't do it. You don't appreciate the business you get, Do you? You take it for granted. And we are just suckers.

How many years now have I been through this crap?!

You stink.


  • First install failed. BD, for the first time, wanted me to remove AdAware. What?! Oh, Of course. That's so I'll have 'more' security. Boy am I dumb.

    No, I'm not removing AdAware. I shut it down and, while I still got an error message of some sort, I managed to get the program installed. I seem to have lost the 35 days I had on the previous BD. Then again, This is all as clear as mud.

    And now, I intend to 'not' think about BD - for a long time.

  • I see no option anywhere in this BD 2010, which isn't even an upgrade (my mother's BD is still 2008), to schedule scans. Good frikkin grief!

  • Hello Arby,

    We have sent you an e-mail with the steps you need to take so that you may schedule a scan in BitDefender 2010.

    Also, please provide us with the information requested in the e-mail so that we can send you the steps necessary for the upgrade to BitDefender 2010.

    If you have any other question or request, please feel free to reply to my e-mail.

    Thank you.