Total Security 2010 Rescanning Problem

Hello rhoward,

This issue has been solved in our latest version . If want, you can upgrade for free following the steps from the next topic : .

Thank you .

Apparently this has been fixed by upgrading to 2010..... i have been having a rescanning issue for some months and its really annoying, as well as eventually causing system hang

it will restart many times, and ending up with multiple icons in toolbar, it does seem to stop it, if you cancel the scan and leave the window on the desktop

I started having this problem with 2009, total security, and i have completely uninstalled and installed 2010....still does it

I have disabled all scheduled scans to try and stop it but to no avail

i think the problem is in the multitude of scans available, as some times its a deep system scan, then a quick scan, then a full system scan

its hard to keep track of all the different scans and re-sttempting to scan

all the scans seem to scan the same files? why if this is the case is there different scans????

I have been using bit defender for many years and has always been solid product and have referred hundreds of people to your products, but this is frustrating the heck of me



  • I have been using bitdefender for as long as its been around, and it has been a great, solid and reliable product, however i am at my wits end.

    I have replied to previous topics and had no response

    I had 2009 internet security on vista, i had this problem so iuninstalled and reinstalled it.....Same problem

    I read on another topic that the problem was fixed in 2010....

    so i uninstalled it cleaned up and installed total security 2010, on 32bit vista.....still problem persists

    I have lodged sevral reports via that window that pops up saying theres a fatal error

    I have lodged 2 help desk tickets

    WHY AM I NOT BEEN RESPONDED TOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have two idenical systems running identical software and same bitdefender products, they do not have this probblem

    But i paid good money for this product so some techincal support would be apreciated, especially after i have referred at least 40 sales your way.......

  • Hello arminium,

    We have checked for your tickets, but we couldn't find any open ticket on your name.

    Please be so kind as to follow the steps from this link in order to provide us with the reports we need for further investigation.

    The reports will be sent directly to our Technical Support Team and you will receive an automatic reply shortly. Please send me a PM with the ticket ID from the Subject of the e-mail so that I may analyze the reports and send you a solution as soon as possible.

    Thank you.