Export Mode Less Enabling Than Intermediate Mode


One aspect of the Expert mode is providing less information than the Intermediate mode, and as a result, I constantly have to switch between these 2 modes. Am I doing something wrong?

This bug occurs when BitDefender detects issues: In Expert mode, the General Dashboard with then report "WARNING: 1 issue is affecting the security status of this PC". The bug is:

1) The screen does not say what are the issues, so it does not empower the user to understand and fix them.

I cannot use the "Fix all issues" button without knowing in advance what the issues are.

2) Unlike in Intermediate mode, the warning text is not a link to the list of issues affecting the computer.

It is just a completely useless warning text in red. You basically need to open manually each area to see what's wrong.

I think the Expert mode needs a special "Security issues" tab listing all areas and exact problems, with a "Fix it" button on each line and the existing "Fix all issues" button too. It is not normal that users need to switch to the Intermediate mode to see what's wrong with their security status, or have to browse through each areas.

I hope this will get fixed soon, the Expert mode is great otherwise.

If you are also annoyed by this problem, or if it's my not using the product correctly that causes this problem, please comment.


  • Hello Chimel,

    The Fix All Issues button from Expert mode User Interface does not fix the issues when you click on it. A new BitDefender window will open and you will be able to skip some of the issues by checking a box next to them. Then you can click on the Start button.

    Let us know if we can be of further assistance.

    Thank you.