Installing Antivirus 2010

I cannot get this product (Antivirus 2010) installed on my XP Pro computer. It installed fine on my Vista. I get an error message "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel." I have called support and they said someone would call me back (that was a week ago). I have written emails but the only response was to uninstall all the Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable packages. I'm concerned that I might be uninstalling something another program needs. How would I get this reinstalled if I needed it? I'm not sure why that's the problem because I have these on Vista and it didn't stop it from installing. Can anyone give me some advice?


  • I cannot get this product (Antivirus 2010) installed on my XP Pro computer. It installed fine on my Vista. I get an error message "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel." I have called support and they said someone would call me back (that was a week ago). I have written emails but the only response was to uninstall all the Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable packages. I'm concerned that I might be uninstalling something another program needs. How would I get this reinstalled if I needed it? I'm not sure why that's the problem because I have these on Vista and it didn't stop it from installing. Can anyone give me some advice?

    1) I guess you did not have another firewall/antivirus on your XP Pro computer before?

    You know that we should only have:

    1 firewall

    1 antivirus

    1 or 2 antispyware.

    And it is not easy to fully deinstall security software, it could create some problem with brand new soft.

    It's better to fully deinstall a software with Ccleaner (warning, CCleaner and BD does not like each other) or regcleaner, deactivate the software in the msconfig, in safe mode as well.

    2) Are you sure you do not have any malwares already stuffed on your PC?

    Maybe you could check your hard disk (through START RUN CMD c:\chkdsk c: /f ) in order to detect some bad areas in your clusters that could affect windows.

    Unless your XP Pro is brand new and fully clean, the windows could have problems too and does not accept the BD programs.

    I have no more ideas, we have had BD IS installed on two XP Home very smoothly (we have other problems with BD 2010), so I can't tell why there is such a difference with your XP Pro.

    I hope an expert will answer pretty soon. ;)

    good night to everybody!


  • Thanks so much for your help Lionet. I had the Windows firewall on. I thought I had turned it off. Now it installed perfectly. I wonder why their tech support couldn't come up with such a simple answer. (Yes, this was a new computer with no previous antivirus). Although I do have CCleaner on it. How is it that they don't like each other?

    1) I guess you did not have another firewall/antivirus on your XP Pro computer before?

    You know that we should only have:

    1 firewall

    1 antivirus

    1 or 2 antispyware.

    And it is not easy to fully deinstall security software, it could create some problem with brand new soft.

    It's better to fully deinstall a software with Ccleaner (warning, CCleaner and BD does not like each other) or regcleaner, deactivate the software in the msconfig, in safe mode as well.

    2) Are you sure you do not have any malwares already stuffed on your PC?

    Maybe you could check your hard disk (through START RUN CMD c:\chkdsk c: /f ) in order to detect some bad areas in your clusters that could affect windows.

    Unless your XP Pro is brand new and fully clean, the windows could have problems too and does not accept the BD programs.

    I have no more ideas, we have had BD IS installed on two XP Home very smoothly (we have other problems with BD 2010), so I can't tell why there is such a difference with your XP Pro.

    I hope an expert will answer pretty soon. ;)

    good night to everybody!


  • Thanks so much for your help Lionet. I had the Windows firewall on. I thought I had turned it off. Now it installed perfectly. I wonder why their tech support couldn't come up with such a simple answer. (Yes, this was a new computer with no previous antivirus). Although I do have CCleaner on it. How is it that they don't like each other?

    Hi Barbara,

    I have been using Ccleaner for a long time, I appreciate it.

    The cleaner part is fine.

    the registry part is dangerous to use, it has been detecting my BD 2008 files and now BD 2010 files are invalid or corrupt. So I let them untouched. the first time I deleted them, I had to reinstall BD.

    So the windows firewall was on? I could have guessed as well. Sorry, I have not touched that for a long time now. You're right, it is the simplest answer the latest to check sometimes. :huh:

    Good night.
