How Do You Stop Bitdefender Internet Security 2008 From Constantly Scanning?

I'm using Vista 64 bit At first I thought it was my hard drive that had issues but ive found out that BitDefender is constantly scanning my files in the background!

I've got quite a noisy HD when I first boot up it sounds like I'm moving lots of files and the graph shows lots of activity, all in the File Zone.

After about 5-10 minutes this will stop but it is still checking files, I go into advanced options and I can see the files it's scanning.

Why does it do this and how do I stop it?

I've turned off all sceduling and the product is fully upto date, added to the problems it has with utorrent, I have a very good mind to send this back for a refund as compared to the last products it's terrible.

Right now it's going off again checking all files that I don't want it to.

Can someone please give me some idea to work on?



  • Hello kinky10

    Go to the anti-virus section,shield,custom level you can select the option do not scan folders greater then (5000 Kb) you can change the value of it. Uncheck also scan packed files. Press on ok to confirm.

