Bitdefender Total Security 2010 Caused Bsod On My Pc


Hello everyone,

I hope i am going to get some help here is the case, after uninstalling my old anti virus program, i installed BD Total Sec, when the install was complete i was asked to restart my computer, which i did, and after that restart i got BSOD and was unable to start windows in any mode at all(safe mode, last known configuration...nothing!)

the message on BSOD:



the system has been shut down


Reinstalling OS is not an option, please help rescue my data from being destroyed :mellow: :mellow:


  • ugljenovic
    edited February 2010

    I had to pay an expert to fix it...thank you very much BitDefender <img class=" /> you just lost one customer...

  • Hello ugljenovic,

    We apologize for any issue you encountered with our product or with our support.

    I have searched our data base and I noticed that you reported the issue to us on February 07 and you received a reply from one of my colleagues on February 08. We are sorry if you couldn't follow the steps from his e-mail.

    Usually this type of issue appears when the previous antivirus solution was not removed properly before installing the new antivirus program. In simple terms, the previous antivirus is still on the system and conflicts with the new one.

    Another situation is when the user has another antivirus program on the system and when he/she tries to install the new antivirus program the system simply crashes because the 2 antivirus programs use the same resources.

    Thank you.

  • Hi bitdefender supporters,

    I just by accident posted a copy of your reply. Sorry for that.

    I had the same problem as ugljenovic. I just bought the bitdefender total security 2010 and when I installed in on one of my computers I got the fatal error message after 000021a after restarting the computer. I've tried to start up in the safe mode and last know configuration mode, but without any success. The hard disk has been formatted and the only program on it is Windows XP media center and winOffice 2003. There is no other programs what so ever, no antivirus, nothing else on it. The reason I formatted the disk is because I had the this same problem before and I thought too that some programs on the computer may have been conflicted with the bitdefender. But now I have the same problem with the clean disk with only winXP en Win office. Can you advise me please? Thanks in advance for your help.

    Note: The bitdefender has been installed on another computer without any problem.

  • Unknown
    edited July 2010


    Please reproduce the steps you take until the issue occur. Also please post a screenshot of any error messages you may receive.

    Last but not least follow the steps below and upload the 'Sysdump.tar' file HERE then send me a PM (Private Message) with the download link.

    1. Download THIS FILE

    2. Run the file

    3. A command prompt window will appear on your screen. Note that the information gathering process can take several minutes therefore please wait until the window disappear by itself.

    4. The result will be the file called 'Sysdump.tar'.

    Looking forward to your answer!

  • msakr

    I had the same problem, after installing bitdefender total security 2010, on clean windows xp, with no other software installed, and after restarting the computer the blue screen appeared with the fatal system error. Is it a beta version ?!!

  • Hi Bn_Sakr,

    No, the 2010 version is not a beta version but the final one being released in August 2009. I am pleased to announce you that we are close in releasing the new 2011 version. You can find more about it HERE

    Regarding the issue you encounter, I have sent you an email with instructions on how to further investigate this matter. Follow them and send me back the requested files.

    Looking forward to your answer!

    Kind regards,

  • Hi,

    I uninstalled Norton, installed BD total security 2010 on windos 7 home edition.

    Asked to restart....

    continious Bsod.

    I cant even upload dmp file "Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload this type of file" <img class=" /> :angry:<img class=" /> :angry:

    help urgenlty i had to use a different machine cause i cant even use my 3G.

  • nikki605

    I uninstalled Norton, installed BD total security 2010 on windos 7 home edition.

    Asked to restart....

    continious Bsod.

    I cant even upload dmp file "Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload this type of file" <img class=" /> :angry:<img class=" /> :angry:

    help urgenlty i had to use a different machine cause i cant even use my 3G.

    First, a question: when you uninstalled Norton, did you use their clean uninstall tool? If not, I would recommend that you use the BD Uninstall Tool to remove all traces of the previous BD install. Follow the on-screen instructions to remove all versions of BD. Re-boot the PC when done.

    Then, run the Norton removal tool to ensure that all traces of Norton have been removed. A link to the Norton removal tool can be found in this topic

    Finally, you should install the 2011 version of BD not the 2010 version. Many improvements have been made and the cause of your issue may already be resolved. You can read more about the free upgrade HERE and also find the download links. Be sure to read the links in that topic and verify that your PC meets the minimum system requirements.


  • First, a question: when you uninstalled Norton, did you use their clean uninstall tool? If not, I would recommend that you use the BD Uninstall Tool to remove all traces of the previous BD install. Follow the on-screen instructions to remove all versions of BD. Re-boot the PC when done.

    Then, run the Norton removal tool to ensure that all traces of Norton have been removed. A link to the Norton removal tool can be found in this topic

    Finally, you should install the 2011 version of BD not the 2010 version. Many improvements have been made and the cause of your issue may already be resolved. You can read more about the free upgrade HERE and also find the download links. Be sure to read the links in that topic and verify that your PC meets the minimum system requirements.


    Hi Nikki,

    I used the add/remove from the control panel to remove Norton.

    From my frustration i deleted the BD folder under program files, which now cause the BD removal tool to go into an endless loop, because it keeps failing to "delete the application folders", or is it supposed to display the same message several times?

    The Norton removal tool worked fine.

    But i still get the blue screen.

    any hints.



  • Nikki,

    Ok, I left the BD removal tool to run for a while and it did complete succesfully

    Ran the norton removal again.

    But I still get bsod about some ndis.sys file.

  • I can only get into the machine via safemode.

    Can someone tell me why i cannot even upload .tar files /give me permision to upload

  • nikki605

    The BD unistall tool removes all previous versions of BD. Since you or I will only have one version installed at any given point in time, it is normal for the uninstall tool to try and remove items for other versions that don't exist on our PCs. So, what you are seeing is normal.

    Were you trying to install the 2011 version of BD and still got the BSOD?

    It sounds like you've run the sysdump tool. Forum rules do not allow this type of file to be uploaded. Any user on the forum would have access to them. Here is the full procedure we give users for submitting dump files. It explains how and where to upload them. This way, only BD tech support will be seeing your system information.

    1. Download this file:

    2. Locate and open 'Sysdump.exe'

    3. A command prompt window will appear on your screen. Please note that the information gathering process can take several minutes therefore please wait until the window disappear by itself.

    4. The result will be the file called 'SYSDUMP.TAR' and will be located in the same folder where you ran sysdump.exe from.

    5. When you have the sysdump.tar please upload it HERE

    6. Send a PM (Private Message) with the download link to DanyDan of tech support. Include a link to this topic and give him as much detail as possible about your problem symptoms. Also provide any other relevant configuration information.

    Depending on their workload, it may take several days for them to respond.


  • Hi,

    Upload done and here's the link :

  • Hi notimpressed,

    Please check you e-mail account and reply me with the informations I request you. As soon as I will have a solution I will contact you back.

    I am waiting for your answer.

    Thank you!