Bitdefender Firewall Ndis Filter Miniport (code 31)


This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers requiered for this device. (Code 31) is what I see on all of the Miniport Filters that BitDefender Internet Security v10 - Build 247 Firewall has installed on my XP SP2 computer.

Does anyone have a clue how can I get rid of these yellow exclamation marks in my device manager?

Also the Net zone of my Scan Activity bar appears not to be displaying any activity/graph. :(




  • Hello Dutchice

    rightclick on Ndis (Filter Miniport) choose uninstall. If that fails choose for disable.

    Afterwards put in your installation cd-rom choose for modify/repair. If you have only the installer double click on it and choose also for modify/repair.

