Rescue Cd -- Screen Goes Blank

edited February 2022 in The Archive

I am wondering if this is a graphics problem that can be fixed by selecting a different graphics mode somehow.

The rescue cd seems to book pretty well. Then at a point when it seems like it is just about ready to finish the boot process all the colored text goes away the screen flashes a full screen graphic a couple times then it is all black.

Does this sound familiar? Is there a way around this?




  • Hello,

    In order to properly boot Rescue CD you may want to skip some parts of the hardware detection by adding some options to kernel (press TAB after the system entered the Boot Splash Screen), noapic noagp noapm nodma nomce nofirewire nopcmcia noscsi noswap nousb nosmp noaudio. A detailed list of these options may be found here:

    Thank you