Online Backup Will Not Work

Re: [Ticket ID:201002171001485]

I have been in contact with support and I am still unable to use the online backup service. When trying to use it i am receiving a message that there is a problem with the internet connection, or you online account has not been validated.

I have followed all of supports instructions and it will still not work.

Support have not responded to any messages since the 19th Feb 2010. I feel it is a problem with the Bitdefender servers. If anyone can help me sort this out as Bitdefender support seem to be pretty clueless as to how this can be resolved. I have activated my online back up service, but am still receiving a message saying it needs activating. This is the third email address i have used to try and get the online backup to work without success.

The support from Bitdefender leaves a lot to be desired I have even contacted the Canadian Support phone line and was promised i would be contacted by email when he had talked to a technical supervisor NO email!

It might be a good product but if they do not improve the support service they will loose business. They need to start worrying about customer service.

Ticket #: [Ticket ID:201002171001485]