Actual Support

Still amazes me that so called software designers apparently don't have a review process that checks to see if the product contains rudimentary compatiblity features like a re-sizable main window.

That's exactly why I went searching for another AV program, ie; McAfee's main window (and now even BitDefender's main window) both are not re-sizable (which disaffords many if not all users the benefit of reading and accessing the main window's controls).

Otherwise it seems that users are expected to figure out on our own what default font and screen resolution works with each program we install, and then create a windows theme for each product we then go to use.

This sort of software design is rudimantary and plainly says a lot about the thought, time and yes, expense that the provider put into it's product.

Another very annoying aspect of software design (BitDefender's), is the fact that it doesn't even afford the user the customary "help > about > version identification" (how else do users keep track of what versions we're running, especially if we choose to update/upgrade automatically and/or upgrades are automatic?).

These things tend to be good indicators of whether or not the product is worth paying for, no?

Happ-e-trails to you and all,
