Question About License And Multiple Os


I am considering buying BitDefender 2010 antivirus. If I buy a single license version and I have a dual-boot system (one Windows 7 64-bit, and another Vista 32-bit, both on different partitions), will I be able to install it on both? Similarly, if I buy a 3-license version and I want to use it on 3 PCs (one of which is the dual-boot - making a total of 4 OS), will that be possible? Please let me know as soon as possbile, as I would like to make a quick decision.



  • Hello AbyssalLoris,

    There is no problem,you can have BitDefender installed on a dual/triple boot system and it will count as 1.

  • Hello AbyssalLoris,

    There is no problem,you can have BitDefender installed on a dual/triple boot system and it will count as 1.

    Thanks. I will be buying it immediately.