Xp Blocked Upon Installation


Despite sending support tickets and trying the online chat, I still have had no answers from bitDefender

I downloaded and installed Internet security 2 days ago on a virtual machine running Parallels 5.

Following restart, XP was blocked and kept rebooting. Safe mode does not let me uninstall the stuff.

I guess I should have read this forum beforehand... Before I scrap everything, can someone --if not the helpline -- help, please and give me a clue - step by step process - to start again XP and solve this problem.

Needless to say I feel fortunate to be still able to work with another computer.

I'll try to attach a screenshot of 'my' bluescreen

Thanks in advance

/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=6128" data-fileid="6128" rel="">screenshot_failure.tiff