How To Turn Off The Control Alert

I just got BitDefender, and I think its a great program so far. However, I am getting tired of the Control Alert. I had to click "allow" about 12 times just to find this site, create an account, and post this message. Last night, I tried to install Microsoft Office 2007, and I had to click "allow" probably over 500 times (yeah, no joke) for the program to install and create registry files.

How do I turn this off, because I would rather deal with a virus than click that many times to install a program, or go on a website.


  • Hello habanero,

    The feature responsible for those warnings is called Privacy Control.

    You don't need to turn it off but decrease the protection level from Aggressive to Default.

    To do this,open your BitDefender and press the Settings button (upper right corner).

    Switch UI to Expert Mode and hit OK

    Next,from the left menu go to Privacy Control and press the Default Level button.