Win 7 64-bit Version: 7.30471 Or 7.30848?
Okay, I just got done with the Windows 7 64-bit FUBAR from this morning (see the other thread if you want info on this). I waited for the update to come out, updated within the program and it went to 7.30848. But after rebooting, I had to repair, and after all the repair reboots, and upgrading one last time, I end up with engine version 7.30471.
Trying update again says "no update available"
So what's the latest and correct engine version supposed to be for Windows 7 64-bit users? 7.30471 or 7.30848? It makes me nervous the version it upgraded to after the fix came out was 7.30848, but now I can't get it to that later version.
EDIT: Forgot to mention I'm running BitDefender Antivirus 2010 (not Total Security or anything else...just the Antivirus product)