Alternative Restore Method

I clipped BD AFTER it had done serious damage. It ate itself, so Quarantine was cooked. And it chewed up system DLL's so the Restore functionality was wiped out. Safe Mode start-up did not allow access to Restore either. My machine worked though.

AND! I have the free Glary Utilities on my machine:

Here's how I fixed it:

In the launch dialog box is a Menu item. It has a Restore dropdown. Windows Control Panel could not see my Restore points. But Glary could! I selected a Restore point prior to the fiasco, went out and got a bottle of vodka while it cooked. And when I came back it was fixed!

If you have Glary, try that. It not, download and install Glary if you can. Then run it and see if your Restore points are there.

Best of luck to everyone trying to recover from this BD mess.



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