Will There Be A Commandline Tool In The Next 24 Hrs.?

I've been in IT business for a long time, and have learned to bide my time in exceptional cases like this BIG mishap for Bitdefender.

There's usually a good chance of getting problems fixed within 24 hours without jumping to drastic measures like reformatting and reinstalling.

So I've checked this forum hourly for the last 24 hours. And I have to say: support ###### BIGTIME!

The only option would be to release a COMMANDLINE option to restore the quarantained files. Give a proper instructions on how to disable Bitdefender temporarily, download a patch and then turn everything on again.

Instead all I see are 'solutions' to have Win7 check for DLL's and system files that are missing, and leave a lot of customers with screwed up systems (which they'll be experiencing in the next weeks). Because loads of installed programs will have Bitdefender replaced dummy DLL's and EXE's that will prevent your programs from working correctly!

Do not lie to your customers. Most systems may seem to be working again, but they are seriously damaged IF ONLY Bitdefender would release a command line tool RESTORING ALL QUARANTAINED FILES TO THEIR ORIGINAL LOCATION.

My OS was left unattended for a few hours, and Bitdefender mauled it up so badly I cannot REPAIR, I cannot use a RESTORE POINT (as Bitdefender scrambled them), I cannot start in SAFE MODE.

Worst thing is, my last backup was made a few weeks ago. I turned to a new I7 Quadcore notebook and had to upgrade my backup disks. Ended up being too busy to do so (but hey, it's a brand new premium notebook, right?!) I will not be losing data, although it will take me a long time to fix this properly. But a lot of customers will end up with only half of their systems fixed.

So I'm asking again: will there be a command line tool to restore the quarantained items to their original location, thus allowing customers to go back to the system state they had before the major Bitdefender screw up?

There's loads of fuzz on the forum, but the bottomline is: if you don't have a recent backup, or a lot of experience, you're screwed!


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