[question] Bitdefender Rescue Disk - How To Boot It From Usb (linux/windows)

edited February 2022 in The Archive

Could someone tell me how can I prepare usb stick and how must i copy the Rescue Disk iso image into thumbdrive, under Linux or Windows? I've tried:

* under Windows: robocopy with "/mir" option under Windows 7, UNetBootin,

* under Linux: dd if= of= command, UNetBootin;

and still your rescue disk won't boot. It can't even be seen (my BIOS does USB boot, cause i could ie. boot Symantec Norton Boot Recovery Tool or Dr.Web rescue cd from usb stick), but rest linux distros can be seen without any problems.

Could BitDef Team prepare guide about preparing usb boot under Windows and Linux? It would be some nice kind of recompensation for BitDefender user community ( referring to your recent AV's defect in x64 systems).

To bad, most of AV rescue cd's are very hard to be booted from usb. In almost every case, user must play with installing grub or syslinux in flash stick before copying rescue cd image, and even that very often it doesn't work.

Thanks for eventual help.
