False Positive(i Think)

Hello, we make Audio plugin in the VST. format, I have some users that cannot run our plugins as a result of Bit Defender. When it is not operational, it works fine, when it is operational it does not. So, what is the next step to resolving this? What do you need from me..

Here is the thread where it was reported and found out by the users..


I really don't want to have to issue an incompatibility warning to our users, which happen to be yours as well.

We make VST plugins not viruses, so, BD is in some way making a mistake. I am more than willing to send you our plugin so you can see for yourself..




  • Unknown
    edited March 2010

    Hello Ken McLaren,

    Thank you for contacting us regarding this situation. Please be so kind as to provide us with a download link for a trial version of the Audio plug-in in order to test it and see what happens.

    Meanwhile, for the users with BitDefender 2010, you can recommend them to turn off the Active Virus Control option or to add the application in the Exclusions list. This can be found on BitDefender -> Expert mode -> Antivirus module -> Shield tab -> Advanced Settings.

    Looking forward to having your reply.