Parent Control Unable Resetting Password

I forgot parents control setting pasword and it blocked access to site with my bank account. I got a file to run from customer services resetpassword.exe but when I try to run it I can see only for one second a smoll bllack screen and there it what it says below:

Podpis problemu:

Nazwa zdarzenia problemu: APPCRASH

Nazwa aplikacji: reset password.exe

Wersja aplikacji:

Sygnatura czasowa aplikacji: 49411a29

Nazwa modułu z błędem: StackHash_1b73

Wersja modułu z błędem:

Sygnatura czasowa modułu z błędem: 00000000

Kod wyjątku: c0000005

Przesunięcie wyjątku: 00000000

Wersja systemu operacyjnego: 6.0.6002.

Identyfikator ustawień regionalnych: 2057

Dodatkowe informacje 1: 1b73

Dodatkowe informacje 2: 679066712e748ee3f566e5bb50adfa75

Dodatkowe informacje 3: 3513

Dodatkowe informacje 4: 952dfed704f312ac622d43c862190b4a

please help me to reset the password ana


  • Hello anaaaa,

    Please try to restart your computer in Safe Mode and then try again to run the tool you received in order to reset the Parental Control password.

    Thank you.

  • Hello anaaaa,

    Please try to restart your computer in Safe Mode and then try again to run the tool you received in order to reset the Parental Control password.

    Thank you.

    Thank you for the answer. Could you please tell me what does it mean to restart computer in Safe Mode. I am really sad about the situation that the parental control is blocking my bank account. anaaaaa

  • To go into safe mode you need to:

    - Restart the computer;

    - Press the 'F8' key several times before Microsoft Windows begins to load; you need to press 'F8' until you will be displayed a text menu;

    - Select 'SAFE MODE WITH NETWORKING' in the text menu and press 'Enter'.

    - Wait while Windows loads in Safe Mode; this process ends with a confirmation message; click 'OK' to acknowledge.