Bitdefender Feedback

I have been a customer of BitDefender from the beginning. Earlier when there were obviously fewer customers feedback was slow but did arrive. Now Frustration is the order of the day. To put into perspective what I am complaining about my Internet Connection speed is, at a maximum, 30Kb and more usually 10 to 15. This is because of where I live, an island in Indonesia.

Since updating to Internet Security 2010 I have been plagued with bluescreen crashes citing bdftsys. I attempted using the integrated feedback screen but this constantly hung and so I had to use the email support.

I explained the situation, including the integrated feedback problem. I received a reply that told me to use the integrated feedback and to forward the system dump to the via a file transfer site. System dump was about 2Gb and the file transfer site refused it as too big. I again explained the situation, via email, and have since been completely ignored. Incidentally you can imagine the upload time that would be involved at my connection speed.

Because of the slow internet connection speed I requested, earlier, to be able to download a 2010 executable file that I could use on other machines, I have 6 licenses, rather than having to download on the each machine separately. This also has been completely ignored.

The last straw has been when updating a computer from 2009 to 2010 the installation hung and then having to start all over again I am told a previous installation is running and I have literally had to finish up going into safe mode to delete 2009 being as half the program had been deleted and then use a cleanup program (CCleaner) to get rid of the residue and clean the registry. I am now attempting to install again (this takes approximately 4 to 5 hours for the download)

I did express my concern in a subsequent email and said that I may have to consider my options as to continuing with BitDefender. This is unfortunate as I really like the program. The next reply was to ask me about a question I had put in the forum with respect to compatibility between the 3DConnexion Space Mouse I use and the Scan Activity Bar. I did not reply.

I am now posting this in the forum as I am completely disgusted with the support system done privately through email, as I would like to know if others have had similar problems.


  • This is an update to my previous posting as one of the paragraphs was out of context and once posted it does not seem possible to edit.

    I have been a customer of BitDefender from the beginning. Earlier when there were obviously fewer customers feedback was slow but did arrive. Now Frustration is the order of the day. To put into perspective what I am complaining about my Internet Connection speed is, at a maximum, 30Kb and more usually 10 to 15. This is because of where I live, an island in Indonesia.

    Since updating to Internet Security 2010 I have been plagued with bluescreen crashes citing bdftsys. I attempted using the integrated feedback screen but this constantly hung and so I had to use the email support.

    I explained the situation, including the integrated feedback problem. I received a reply that told me to use the integrated feedback and to forward the system dump to the via a file transfer site. System dump was about 2Gb and the file transfer site refused it as too big. I again explained the situation, via email, and have since been completely ignored. Incidentally you can imagine the upload time that would be involved at my connection speed.

    Because of the slow internet connection speed I requested, earlier, to be able to download a 2010 executable file that I could use on other machines, I have 6 licenses, rather than having to download on the each machine separately. This also has been completely ignored.

    I did express my concern in a subsequent email and said that I may have to consider my options as to continuing with BitDefender. This is unfortunate as I really like the program. The next reply was to ask me about a question I had put in the forum with respect to compatibility between the 3DConnexion Space Mouse I use and the Scan Activity Bar. I did not reply.

    The last straw has been when updating a computer from 2009 to 2010 the installation hung and then having to start all over again I am told a previous installation is running and I have literally had to finish up going into safe mode to delete 2009 being as half the program had been deleted and then use a cleanup program (CCleaner) to get rid of the residue and clean the registry. I am now attempting to install again (this takes approximately 4 to 5 hours for the download)

    After running for approximately 6 hours downloading from BitDefender website it has just crashed and I must now start again.

    I am now posting this in the forum as I am completely disgusted with the support system done privately through email, as I would like to know if others have had similar problems.