Undetected Rogue Software And Videocodec


Here are samples of undetected rogue software and a possible malicious video codec. The password is infected.



/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=605" data-fileid="605" rel="">samples.rar


  • The install files signed as Trojan.Downloader.Renos.RE and Trojan.Downloader.WinFixer.Z respectively. The codec setup is the same story as yesterday (a setup that does nothing). Curious to say the least.

    Best regards.

  • Niels
    edited September 2007

    Hello Cd-MaN

    Thanks for adding the signatures. But the installer installer_eng isn't being detected now. Another security program marks it as risk AVSYSTEMCARE.SAA Variant stopped. Or are the installed files being detected?

    Best regards


  • There was a small hickup in the update process. The files should be detected now. Thank you for signaling the issue.

    Best regards.

  • Hello Cd-MaN

    No problem. I just wanted to be sure about it. Thanks again for your response.

    Best regards
