Bitdefender 2010 64bit


pls tell me

why setup was unableto find the package'bdts.msi'in bitdefender total security 2010


  • Hello a1_n12,

    Please try to install BitDefender using the latest full installation kit available for download. Please note that you need to download (save) the installation kit prior to running it.

    The BitDefender Total Security 2010 installation kit can be downloaded from one of the 2 locations:

    - click here to download 32 bit compatible version (most commonly used version)

    - 64 bit compatible version can be found here

    Please refer to this Microsoft article for more information about your Operating System and to find out if it is the 32-bit or 64-bit version.

    Thank you.

  • I am having trouble installing I am getting the error;

    There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.

    I have installed the de_bug registry key, I have also downloaded from the link you posted and still no luck. Any other suggestions for me to try.



  • Hello 79fj40,

    First of all please make sure you are saving the file prior to running it. When the download is finished right click on the installation kit and select Properties. The kit for Internet Security 64 bit version should have 155MB, the one for Total Security 64 bit version should have 194MB.

    Please also make sure you have removed any other security solution from your PC, including an older version of BitDefender before installing the new one. If you have used an older version please use our uninstall tool in order to uninstall/delete any previous BitDefender related files.

    Access the link and when the window with the BitDefender file appears, please choose the Save to disk option. Save the tool on the PC, run it and restart the computer.

    Thank you.

  • have a nice time: can any one give me the link for bitdefender internet security 2010 64 bit

  • have a nice time: can any one give me the link for bitdefender internet security 2010 64 bit

    Here's the link:

  • I have been e-mailing back and forth with BD tech support, but they stopped replying so I am guessing it's was the end of the day. I still need help the last set of instructions I got from them I can't make work and not sure if I am doing anything wrong. I have included a couple of screen shots. 1 with the error I receive while trying to install and 2 the instructions and what happens when I try them. Any help would be appreciated.



  • Back to the top. I still have not receive any help from BD and have sent several e-mails.

  • Hello 79fj40,

    We have sent you a new email with the steps you need to follow in order to install BitDefender. Please reply to the email or post here and let us know if you manage to install BitDefender after following them.

    We are very sorry for the late reply to your email and we hope to assist you in a timely fashion from now on.

    Thank you.

  • New instructions did not work. I have sent all the info I could back via e-mail on 5/6. Please inform me weather you think this error can be resolved or should I get a refund and move on.

  • Mr. 79fj40,

    As I could verify in the second screenshot that you posted:

    1) You could not find the folder "dllcache". I'm was able to find thir folder in my workstation (Win XP SP3);

    2) You could not rename the file "msi.dll", and receive a "access denied" error message.

    From this outputs, it's almost true that you don't have administrative previleges in this workstation to make tis changes.

    Try to logon as Administrator, and do it again. Tell us the output after this.



  • There is only one account on my computer and it is the administrator. I did double check and included a screen shot.


  • i have the same problem, BD installs though

  • Am I only allowed 2 e-mails per tech person and then I need to fill out another form? Why do you guys stop responding after a couple of failed attempts at helping me? I paid for this program on April 27th. and it still is not installed. If you are not going to help me could you at least tell me how to get a refund? I have e-mailed sales and they don't respond either.

  • Hi all,

    @79fj40: please check the email address associated with the forum account. Please generate the requested log files and send them back as a reply to my message.

    @hemanth: anything I may help you with ? If any issues with BitDefender feel free to ask.

    Thank you!