[Solved] Cookie Control Problems

Hi, Can anyone help me with a Cookie Control problem? I downloaded internet security 2010 and began having problems with my Cookie Control area. What happened was cookies were blocked by me and showed in the blocked cookies listing, then when I shutdown and rebooted later, the listing was gone, yet the blocked cookies number was showing up the top. eg, I could then go browsing, have say 16 cookies I'd blocked or allowed in the listing, but up the top it would show total cookies blocked = 149.

I tried to get help with live assistance but this process has now gone back to higher technical assistance somewhere in BitDefender and I haven't heard anything back yet.

It seems as though there is a BitDefender file (cache?) that is holding the hidden blocked/allowed cookies and I can't get to it to delete or correct cookies from blocked to allowed.

This is causing me serious grief at the moment with one of my online banks which is not letting me login due to a blocked or disabled cookie to them.

I uninstalled internet security 2010 and resinstalled internet security 2009 in the hope that it was a gliche in the 2010 software, but unfortunately the problem now exists in the 2009 version, so it must have carried over and be hidden somewhere in my computer.

I have tried everything, from total uninstall and reinstall using the BitDefender Uninstall Tool, to using the BitDefender Repair link...nothing has worked.

I am using Windows XP, 32-bit system & Mozilla Firefox browser, which I have removed all cookies from and still I have this problem.

Does anyone have a solution? Is there some file in the BitDefender software (or elsewhere in my computer system) that I can access and at least delete all the cookies stored earlier and now hidden, so I can start again with my cookie control listing and then have access to my online bank?

A long explanation of my problem...sorry, but I need some serious help with this.

Thanks, Rodders.


  • DON'T WORRY! I have sorted it out. Was using an ad blocker program and for some reason, when IS2010 was downloaded, it caused problems with my ad screening disabling. This in turn, caused a bank site issue. Have now disabled the ad blocking on this site and all OK...HOORAY!

  • Hello Rodders,

    We are glad to notice that the issue you contacted us about has been solved. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you need any further assistance.

    Thank you.

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