Bdav 2010 Odd Application Behaviour

I observed this odd behaviour:

I ran an application called BPBible. The application would startup, initialize and the terminate without any warning or error on screen or in a log file.

After extensive searching I found this behaviour: when BitDefender was set into Game Mode it would allow the application to run, deactivate Game Mode and the old behaviour came back.

I than investigated some further. Putting the application in the exclusionlist, also got the desired effect of being able to run BPBible. This however, is not to my liking, since the application will not be scanned again.

Can someone enlighten me as to the how and why of this behaviour of BDAV?.


  • Hello Karmanghulla,

    In order to further investigate I have send you an email on the address associated with the forum account. Please enclose any useful information such as: application version and name and a download link for it if possible. Last but not least also mention what you mean by 'Odd behaviour'.

    Thank you!