[duplicate] Overcompressed Items Added As Skipped Items

1) What are overcompressed items?

2) Does the "overcompressed items" also depends on the "size of archive" and "size of extracted files from an archive"?

3) Is there any relation between "Overcompressed Items" and the option in the Bitdefender Real-Time Protection Setting "Don't Scan archive deeper than -----"?

4) Does overcompressed items can also be added as "Skipped Items", if not why?


  • Hello ONT,

    This question has been asked and answered before, here: http://forum.bitdefender.com/index.php?showtopic=13398

    Please read that topic. If you have further questions about this matter, please post there. Even if the topic is in the 2009 section of the forum, the information is identical.


    == CLOSED ==

    == Duplicate issue ==

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