Ui Custom Dpi Windows 7 Problem


The UI under "settings" has the screen cut-off so I cannot click 'ok' for changes.

Resolution: 1680x1050

DPI: Custom 120 % (9 point Segoe UI at 115 pixels per inch)

OS: Windows 7 64 Bit Home Edition

If I change to 125% DPI (default) it looks fine.

Thank you. B)


  • Hello,

    In order to solve this issue, please follow the steps below:

    Go to Control Panel -> Display and set the DPI to Normal Size - 96. Then click on Apply, restart the computer and check if the issue still occurs.

    Kind regards,

  • Yes, the issue no longer exists when I select the default DPI of 96. The UI for BitDefender needs to be adjusted (please) so it is more compatible with custom DPIs.

    By the way, great product. I have tested several and BitDdefender Total Security 2010 is the most efficient and best performer for gaming and movies. :)

  • Hi escapedturkey,

    Glad to see the issue is resolved and would like to thank you for the feedback. We are always open to new ideas of features that may interest our users.

    If you have any further queries feel free to contact us anytime!

    Kind regards and a great week!

    p.s. Topic closed, issue resolved.

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