Ignore Certain Vulnerabilities

I'd like to know if there is a way to ignore certain vulnerabilities. For example my computer is being used temporary as an auto dj for the online radio station which I run. I have my computer on 24/7 for this and to prevent Windows Update from forced reboots which would turn the Auto off, I've turned Windows Update Automatic Updates off so now I have to do it manually.

Problem is BitDefender keeps telling me about it. I dont want to turn the Vulnerability section off incase other errors happen. It would be handy if we could ignore certain issues. This would also help, as I once mentioned a while back, if false updates are found.



  • Hello Peteyt,

    In order to disable certain vulnerabilities within BitDefender security center please follow the steps below:

    1. Open BitDefender Security Center

    2. Click on Settings and switch the GUI to Expert mode.

    3. Go to Vulnerability tab

    4. Go to Settings sub-menu.

    5. Uncheck the box next to 'Windows Updates'

    6. If you do not wish for BitDefender to check any of the vulnerabilities please disable the entire module: uncheck the box next to 'Automatic Vulnerability Check is enabled'.


  • Hello Peteyt,

    In order to disable certain vulnerabilities within BitDefender security center please follow the steps below:

    1. Open BitDefender Security Center

    2. Click on Settings and switch the GUI to Expert mode.

    3. Go to Vulnerability tab

    4. Go to Settings sub-menu.

    5. Uncheck the box next to 'Windows Updates'

    6. If you do not wish for BitDefender to check any of the vulnerabilities please disable the entire module: uncheck the box next to 'Automatic Vulnerability Check is enabled'.


    Thought I'd replied to this. Will BitDefender allow users to possibly ignore certains stuff in future versions. For example - I have automatic windows updates turned off - but i still want to use it to scan for updates.

  • Hello,

    I have just made the test you proposed on a Windows 7 32bits machine and BitDefender 2011 Beta2. You can disable Windows Updates from Control Panel then just use the Vulnerability check within BitDefender.

    If you have any further queries feel free to contact us anytime!

  • Doing that however warns all the time on BitDefender that it is turned off - I've unticked ignore it on the control panel but there isnt an equivlent setting on bitdefender.