[solved]even Support Is Letting Me Down

I, like many, have the problem of the shutdown of the visus scanner. Been to support but have had no positive result. Finally I got a response from Daniel Manea who told me that they needed to connect to my system to attempt to locate and fix the problem. I installed "Team Viewer" and sent the "ID" and "Password" to Daniel on 6/23/2010 and requested a "connect" at 9:00am ( 1300 GMT )on 6/25/2010 and asked "Please advise if this is satisfactory"....No response and no apparent "connect" as of 11:56am 6/25/2010.

I really do not think that BitDefender really cares about the poeple that put their trust and pay their money for a service that is NOT working. I am a very tolerant person, and I utilized 2008, 2009 and now 2010, and I like the product, but I am becoming very uncomfortable with a system that routinely fails.

BD Support Ticket 201005161001358


  • Hello,

    The ticket you mention is assigned to me however I was off for two days therefore I could not connect and do the remote session. Considering the fact that 25 is today, I have tried to connect to the TeamViewer ID you provided me with and I could not connect. I can assure you that we care about ALL our customers and users no matter the queries they have.

    I will try to connect remotely to your computer on Sunday, June 27 between 13:00-21:00 GMT with the details you provided me in the email. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.

    Looking forward to your answer!

  • Hello,

    The ticket you mention is assigned to me however I was off for two days therefore I could not connect and do the remote session. Considering the fact that 25 is today, I have tried to connect to the TeamViewer ID you provided me with and I could not connect. I can assure you that we care about ALL our customers and users no matter the queries they have.

    I will try to connect remotely to your computer on Sunday, June 27 between 13:00-21:00 GMT with the details you provided me in the email. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.

    Looking forward to your answer!

    I checked TeamViewer and the ID that I gave you is correct. The password that I gave you was the password that I gave when asked to create a password. When I open TeamViewer it shows a "four digit" password "or user defined"...not sure what that means ? It also states that "it is ready to connect". Should the "password" be the "four digit" password ?.........Also the Sunday ( 6/27 ) date is OK, but Acronis is doing a "backup" in the morning hours, so 1600-2100 GMT will work...Please advise as to the best way to get the "four digit" password to you in case that is the one you need.

  • I checked TeamViewer and the ID that I gave you is correct. The password that I gave you was the password that I gave when asked to create a password. When I open TeamViewer it shows a "four digit" password "or user defined"...not sure what that means ? It also states that "it is ready to connect". Should the "password" be the "four digit" password ?.........Also the Sunday ( 6/27 ) date is OK, but Acronis is doing a "backup" in the morning hours, so 1600-2100 GMT will work...Please advise as to the best way to get the "four digit" password to you in case that is the one you need.

    I also sent a PM, but not sure I did it right.....message also included in response on support ticket

  • Got your PM along with the email. I will contact you at the hour we set, 16-17:00 PM GMT.


  • I wish to thank DanyDan for responding to my recent post and the gripes that were stated. After connecting with my computer DanyDan located what appeared to be the problem source and corrected same. He stated that he was confident that the problem was taken care of.

    I do hope that he is correct in his assumption. There are a large volume of posts about this problem, but it appears that the problem was in MY computer and not BitDefender......

    Thanks again DanyDan

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