[resolved]Support Did Respond

I have complained about the shutdown of the BitDefender Virus Scanner and have made numerous changes to my computer suggested by the BitDefender Support Team, but nothing seemed to work. Well, that problem is apparently over. DanyDan took charge of my support request and it does appear that we have a "fix". The problem that was the apparent cause of the problem was buried in the registry of MY computer, and NOT BitDefender. DanyDan connected to my computer and it appears that his "fix" corrected the problem. DanyDan had numerous problems connecting with my computer, but he kept trying and was finally successful.

The problem connecting is unknown, but he finally was able to access TeamViewer and made the connection. Deep System Scan produced a "clean" result. By the way, this was done on a SUNDAY. I guess that dedicated support personnel "Do Not Rest".

THANK YOU DANYDAN !!!! :rolleyes::rolleyes: