Internet Explorer/bd Problems!


my set up-> BD2010 , Windows 7 premium/64/,both MS Internet explorer standart and 64 edition.

Here is my problem; each time i open The Internet Explorer it creates new rule in the BD fire wall... it opens all kinds of ports just about any type of rule ..i endup with 3 pages of open ports and rules in fire wall just for Internet Explorer. I dont think thats normal . :o

Pls. can someone explain it to me, and tell me what to do about it in case this is a problem or security issue.?

/If this keeps going on by the end of the year i end up with 50 pages of Internet explorer rules in my fire wall...something must be wrong.Did run deep scans and all that acordingly to logs my machine is clean.

it creates new rules even for my home page each time i open it. for any tips.


  • Hello Tim,

    Please check your email associated with your forum account and follow the instructions. Send me the requested log files and you will have my answer, again via email, in the shortest time possible.
