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Bitdefender Total Security 2010 Keeps Crashing


My dad bought a copy of Total Security 2010 for our 3 computers in the house a few months ago.

Ever since i updated from our old version(2009) on my computer, i've noticed that the program causes my computer to run slower the usual. I think this might be a problem on my part, as i only have around 500MB of ram.

And on top of that(the biggest problem) the program will crash after it runs two of my daily scheduled virus scans. It tells me to restart my computer and contact BitDefender support.

So here i am. I'd really like to get this problem fixed. Because my computer is starting to run even more slow due to viruses...


  • Lionet
    My dad bought a copy of Total Security 2010 for our 3 computers in the house a few months ago.

    Ever since i updated from our old version(2009) on my computer, i've noticed that the program causes my computer to run slower the usual. I think this might be a problem on my part, as i only have around 500MB of ram.

    And on top of that(the biggest problem) the program will crash after it runs two of my daily scheduled virus scans. It tells me to restart my computer and contact BitDefender support.

    So here i am. I'd really like to get this problem fixed. Because my computer is starting to run even more slow due to viruses...

    Hi Shane Deves,

    You sum several problems a bit different.

    1) Your dad did not buy a "copy" of BD. I suppose he subscribed for having the right to install the software on three computers, no more.

    2) If you updated the BD version you should have deinstalled the previous one. BD normally does it but you have probably to get rid of what is left of the old software.

    Rule one:

    only one firewall per system, only one antivirus. If you have anything else concerning firewall/av, you should deinstall it (you could keep a simple antispyware such as the free version of malwarebyte's antimalware btu I 'm not too sure it is necessary.

    500 Mo RAM is a bit low on most machines with windows XP (1 Go would be better, I've installed 2 Go ages ago)

    What do you have?

    Give more details on your system (XP? Vista? Seven?) the processor? It will help BD technicians.

    The computer is maybe slow because the processor is slow, the memory feeble and the hard disk almost full. You should clean it, check memory, hard disk. Deinstall every software you do not need in the next six months, deactivate every software you will not use in the next session. The computer will start much faster...

    You suspect viruses?

    Installing antivirus after the infection comes too late and virus will take the best of any antimalwares.

    Some people are good at analyzing hijackthis files. Maybe they will ask you soon to download the soft and create a file to be analyzed.

    It could be risky if you do not know which is the bad file...

    What I usually do to clean a hard disk is to take it off, plug it on external cable ( not very expensive) to a well protected computer which antimalwares will analyze and destroy viruses, spywares, trojans... If you have friends not far from you, it is quite fast a procedure... My friends appreciate twice a year...

    If you have too many malwares (I found 450 malwares at a friend's a few years ago!), anyway, the quickest and best thing to do is to format the hard disk and reinstall a clean sytem.

    Good cleaning,


    good night
