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Firewall Alert On Ping Request



Does Firewall of bitdefender total security alert me when incoming ping requests received?


Reza Fotovat


  • Lionet

    Does Firewall of bitdefender total security alert me when incoming ping requests received?


    Reza Fotovat

    HI Reza Fotovat,

    I have BD IS 2010, not BD IT 2010, however I do not think it's very different.

    I believe that if you put the appropriate rules, your ports will be hidden. So why do you bother to know how many people could try to check if there is a door on your wall. I have not received security alerts for a long, long time...

    Following your request, I did some tests with special softwares (you can try Gibson Research Corp's GRC) they get my address IP and try to check how many ports can be detected. Today, they gave me the answer every ports are on Stealth and my system ignored and refused to reply to repeated pings.

    I hope it's true, of course... and I wonder how BD firewall could count incoming ping requests provided that the computer is invisible... without spilling the beans.

    Good evening,

