Updates That Require Reboots...

edited September 2007 in General talk

Updates that require reboots are total BS!

Can it ASK me if I wish to install such an update that requires a reboot _before_ it does it?

Right now it installs it and then disables real time protection and the firewall and leaves me held hostage until I do reboot. Unacceptable.

What if I was in the middle of work or a video conference? 'Oh excuse me I have to reboot because our anti-virus software deemed it necessary to disable it's self. brb.'

Or what if i wasn't even in the room when that happens? Seriously guys, you must use your own product.

Rick S.


  • Hello rick sheppard

    Reboots are only required for fixing bugs and improve certain modules. You are always asked if you want to reboot immediately or you can check the box to reboot manually. That depends of the settings you are using. Double click on the red BitDefender icon near the system clock,settings,update,settings,check Wait for reboot instead of prompting so you will not get a warning but the upgrade will only be applied after the next boot.

    Best regards
