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Spam Filter not working?


Hi y'all.....

Wonder if anyone else is having this problem?

Up until today everything seemed to be working REAL smooth... But today there is absolutely NOTHING being identified as either Spam or Phishing in my email. I've double and triple-checked all my settings... everything is set the same as it's always been set.. Am I all alone with this or is this a temporary glitch?

Thanks in advance for any help!



  • Niels

    Hi TexasPrairieGal

    That is normall behaviour because you don't always receive spam emails. But sometimes it could be that some slip trough then you have to mark the mail as spam and add the spammer. The filter that BD uses is a learning filter. Did you train the filter? I mean did you mark mails a spam?.



  • Hi Niels,

    Thanks for the quick answer. Probably just me being overly anxious (and dumbfounded that I had almost a day without junk spam emails).

    I do have a question about the Bayesian Training thingie (not sure I have the name quite right?). Is there a way to have your spam filter look at content in addition to email addresses for spam? Or maybe I need to start a new topic?

    Happy Days in Texas!!!

  • alexcrist

    Hi TexasPrairieGal,

    The Bayesian filter scans the content of your e-mails, not the address. The problem is that the Bayesian filter does not work untill you teach it. To do that, you have to report about 50 emails as SPAM (if I recall correctly).

    After enough e-mails are reported as SPAM and the Bayesian filter has enough words to look for, it will enable itself and it will start to filter SPAM e-mails by their content.


  • Niels

    Hi TexasPrairieGal

    Outlook has a spam filter. Also outlook express has spam option but then you have to create rules. What email client are you using?

    The name is Bayes filter. The filter looks always at the content of mails looking for certain words,capital letters,etc... in conjuction with the mails you marketed as spam.You can also change the options to do that open BitDefedender go to antispam,settings, now you can enable more options I would recommend that you enable all options under advanced antispamfilters and default antispamfilters. Is it clear now?



    For me it's almost night. But have a nice day.

  • alexcrist
    The name is Bayes filter.

    Bayesian, not Bayes. :)

    Enable the Learning Engine (bayesian) - activates/deactivates the Learning Engine (bayesian).
  • Niels

    Ok my fault because by me it's called bayes. But I have a non-English version.

  • alexcrist

    Off Topic: @Niels: download the English Help File and consult it. That's what I did, to be sure I don't mess up the Translations ;)

  • Hello!

    First of all, to be sure that Antispam Filter works, if your email client has the ability of viewing full headers, all your messages must have a header called "X-Bitdefender-Spam". Also, you can check if the antispam engines are working by G-TUBE test. Every mail that contains "XJS*C4JDBQADN1.NSBN3*2IDNEN*GTUBE-STANDARD-ANTI-UBE-TEST-EMAIL*C.34X" should be marked as spam.


    Bitdefender comes with a pretrained Bayesian filter, but for best performances we recommend that Bayesian filter to be local trained. Bayesian filter should be trained with spam and ham(the emails that are not spam).


    George Petre

    Researcher - Bitdefender Antispam Labs

  • Hi, I just joined today and thought I added a post but now I think I did it wrong...anyway saw this topic and wanted to say that my hubby (now xhubby) added lots of words to my outlook spam filter. I later learned that he had an online girl friend that was more than a little p'od at him and he was worried she would send me mail. It almost worked lol :blink: The spam filter will block a lot of mail but still there's gonna be some to come through. My trash mail has slowed down a bunch tho so it does pretty good. Thanks, have a gr8 day...laters :)

  • This is for Maydaym....

    Sort of gives "trash" a whole new meaning, doesn't it???


    And a question for George... To test my email with that G-TUBE TEST... Do you mean by just sending myself an email with that long alpha-text string anywhere in the content? Or as the subject line? That won't suddenly tag my own email address as a spammer will it? This Bayesian thingie is pretty neat... but it sure makes me feel a bit dense in the brain.... :wacko:

    And just an aside for everyone... This forum is awesome. Y'all are soooo quick to help and make your answers pretty understandable, even for bumfuzzles like me! Happy Days!!!