Syntaxerror Msg: Unable To Parse Json String (in Safari)


Tried loading the Bitdefender on my mac and now every time i open Safari i get a message that says: Bitdefender SyntaxError: Unable to parse JSON string. I tried deleting the program off my computer but I still get this error message. Can someone help?


  • Hello KC,

    I have created a ticket on your behalf and pass it to my colleagues from the Mac depart. They will contact you later today via email with the instructions on how to further investigate the issue you encounter.

    Ticket ID: 201102091032881.

    If you have any further queries feel free to contact us anytime!


  • I have the same problem, what can I do?

  • rootkit


    Sorry for the delayed reply.

    Do you have a ticket ID created in the system?

    Thank you.

  • I, too, am encountering this problem. It's really annoying, because the messages pop up quite frequently.

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    Welcome back!

    Could you please provide us more details about the current situation?

    Thank you!

  • I am also having this issue. It's very annoying. I can go for a while without any error then suddenly I'm barraged with it sometimes 7 or 8 times inside a minute. I opened a ticket and included my system report and a screen shot. Ironically, the screen shot shows the error while I was opening the ticket.

    Ticket 201207041018433

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    You received a reply from my colleague, please be patient.

    Have a great day!