Bitdefender Firewall


Newbie here...

just installed BitDefender AV 2011 on a home network (all Win XP Home). I have a custom app that is installed on one of 3 PC's that I can run from all 3 PC's. The exe is stored in a shared folder on the main PC and the others can run it via a shortcut and no additional software installed. The app utilizes a Microsoft MDB file.

Ever since installing BitDefender 2011 I can no longer successfully run this program. I can run it on the PC where it is installed but not on the other 2. I get some active x error... something about failure to create an object.

I suspect the error is a firewall issue.

Can anyone point me to what firewall settings I should be looking for on the 3 PC's ? or any other suggestions ?

Thanks in advance for your help.



  • nikki605

    BDAV (Antivirus) doesn't have a firewall. Can you post a screen shot of the actual error? It might help us to better understand the exact nature of the problem.


  • Hello Spartaneity,

    Still need assistance ? Please post the actual status of the issue you reported.
