Background Scan

I've got a problem with BD Antivirus v10. After each login on my user account BD console scans all files on all harddisk partitions (can be seen with Sysinternals Filemon). There is no task scheduled and it does not happen when I'm working on my admin account. When closing BD's tray console the scan stops immediataly whereas disabling all components in the tray has no effect. Has someone any idea what's going wrong here? Thanks in advance.


  • I've got a problem with BD Antivirus v10. After each login on my user account BD console scans all files on all harddisk partitions (can be seen with Sysinternals Filemon). There is no task scheduled and it does not happen when I'm working on my admin account. When closing BD's tray console the scan stops immediataly whereas disabling all components in the tray has no effect. Has someone any idea what's going wrong here? Thanks in advance.

    BD has an option for on-access scanning. So when you load a program or file it will scan anything related to it. While booting, depending on what is being loaded, it should scan in any related to what is loading. This is what I have noticed with mine and I have BD AV 10 as well. This was a slight issue on our slower computer but I was able to configure it so it didn't scan ALL files, only program files. This helped alot. After cleaning the malware off that slower computer, I now have it back to scanning all files and it seems fine.

  • That is normal behaviour. Because on some times virus shield scans folders in realtime. You can see it when you open BitDefender,antivirus. You can do what JGray152 suggest you to do. But you can also exclude certain folders to do that go to antivirus,shield,adjusted level. There you will see the option don't scan files larger then ... (you can fill in any value). To exclude safe folders press on exclude this path on all levels. Press on add new item.

  • There you will see the option don't scan files larger then ... (you can fill in any value).

    Just a note, this option defaults to 5000 KB upon installation. So, unless you adjust it, you are by default not scanning files greater than 5000 KB.

  • Thanks everybody but my problem is still there. I have disabled On-Access scanning and the Antivirus monitor does not show any activity. In addition, I've excluded all partitions from scanning except my boot drive. However, my harddisk is very busy after login and when I open Sysinternals Filemon I can see bdmcon reading all partitions again. I can verify this always on the restricted user account but with admin rights is does not happen. Meanwhile I guess it might be even an XP issue.

  • Every antivirus will access and scan your hard disc at startup. So BitDefender is not the only antivirus that do that.You can try one other suggestion open BitDefender go to antivirus,shield and set the slider on the third option. If that doesn't solve it you can't really do anything more. Only but that is very unsafe is opening BitDefender,general,settings and uncheck load BitDefender at startup.

