Change Open With Program

I have bitdefender opening with firefox, How can I change it back to windows explorer (default)?


  • I don't understand what you mean by bitdefender opening with firefox, are you referring to the website or the program?

  • Hello buttercup

    If you don't want that Firefox is your default browser please do this go to start,program access and -settings,adjusted press on the icon which looks like two arrows. Select Internet explorer and press on ok.

    Otherwise I don't know what you are trying to say.

    Best regards


  • I have bitdefender opening with firefox, How can I change it back to windows explorer (default)?

    It opens with firefox browser. Because it does, I always have to have administrators permission to continue. I turned off UAC to temporarily take care of the problem. Because I have some dummies on this computer, I would like it on, but not to open firefox.

    When I downloaded bitdefender, one screen gave me the option to choose which program to open bitdefender. I chose firefox, shouldn't have. I should have it opening with windows. When I right click on bitdefender, there is no open with option, so I can't change it that way.

    I tried uninstalling & reinstalling, but that screen won't come up again. So obviously it is not a clean uninstall as they say.

    When it's uninstalled, I don't have that problem.

    Thanks for ANY help.


  • Hi buttercup,

    Just like Niels and bluesprite, I don't understand what you mean.

    An application doesn't what with another. An application starts on it's own.

    Please explain exactly what file (the full name+extension) opens with Firefox.

    Another thing I don't understand (and I'm sure I'm not the only one) is what you mean by start with Windows. Windows is the Operating System. It runs all applications (even Firefox is run by Windows).

    If it's possible, please provide some screenshots because it might be easier to understand.
