Question About Moved Files, Trojan

edited October 2007 in General talk

Hey guys, I was just wondering if you could answer a question for me.

Bitdefender on a scan found a trojan downloader (a movie) in my temporary internet files...and i knew i had one cuz i went to a link but was sent somewhere else, pretty nasty, so anyway, it found the files and said that disinfection failed, so both were moved. This means I am not infected correct? Do i have to delete the files or anything???

irus Statistics

Scan path : C:\


Folders : 5548

Files : 63328

Memory processes scanned : 47

Archives : 3

Runtime packers : 4267

Identified viruses : 1

Infected files : 2

Memory processes infected : 0

Suspect files : 0

Warnings : 0

Disinfected files : 0

Deleted files : 0

Moved files : 2

I/O errors : 10

Scan time : 00:13:51

Scan speed (files/sec) : 76

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