Feel Ripped Off


i have total security 2010, I paid for it, around 29.90 EUR which i though was pretty reasonabe for 12 months on one laptop, now i have been given a renewal price of 44.17 EUR a jump over 25% in price. I am out of work, how the ###### am i suppose to pay that? seems i will have to shop around.

I see people downloading this program for free , people say to me why pay, i say because i don't want to and that i know i can recieve support, but i am beginning to wonder who the mug is, 44 Eur is a lot of money to me :unsure:


  • George R.
    edited July 2011

    Hello and welcome to our forum,

    Regarding this issue, please check your Inbox :)

    If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact me via P.M.



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