From: Bitdefender Total Security 2011

edited July 2011 in Trash
Real Time Protection Disabled (WINDOWS XP >Says I have NO Anti-Virus)

So it should be. Will it be otherwise then it will not be full disabled and the driver still loaded.

I have test this by some other AV's where windows xp and 7 after disable realtime protection + firewall did not alert about missing AV and no firewall installed, guess why, it doesn't go to disable full at all by some AV/Security suites.

Bitdefender is a way a head as many other AV's. Produce or collect some false positives and you will see by self that Bitdefender is one of the best out there.

To do that go and collect seldom used exe packer, pack a few files, scan them with different AV's and see how many show suddenly Virus alert. A few of the other AV's even do not allow with a few clicks to exclude them but require to go in the config first.

BitDefender is an outstanding AV.

Good job, saying things that are not going to help ANYONE ######.