[resolved]Ids And Legitimate Applications
The IDS Module detect legitimate applications as malicious
1) Internet Download Manager
2) Jet Audio
3) KMPlayer
4) Revo Uninstaller
5) Argente Utilities
6) Microsoft Encarta Dictionary
7) RecoverMy Files
Even setting to "Permissive" didn't work and to run the applications properly, I've to disable the IDS or add them to the exclusion list manually or allow them from Events Module.
There are some services also which are blocked by IDS e.g service for hidefolders2009
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A. As we talk about IDM in another topic, I will start with JetAudio, as follows:
1. Installed the Free version from the link you provided me with;
2. Added few songs and I had no troubles playing them;
3. I have both AVC and IDS enabled, both on Normal slider level;
Considering the above please tell me what exactly the issue is with each software: when is the software blocked by IDS ?
B. KMPlayer
1. Installed it from the link you provided me with;
2. I did NOT installed Babylon toolbar;
3. I am able to play a video without any problems;
As mentioned above, please tell me when exactly is the software blocked by IDS.
C. RevoUninstaller
1. Installed the free version;
2. I was able to uninstall a program without any problems;
Again, when does the software gets blocked by IDS ?
The same happens with the others software except Microsoft Encarta Dictionary. I don't have an installer for it, at least not yet.
I have checked the Application Rules under the Firewall module and noticed that the rules were added automatically for the tested software therefore, you may have an issue related to IDS or corrupted Firewall rules. For now, it's just a hunch, can't tell you more without any log file to analyze. I would like to connect remotely to your PC and conduct several tests. If that's OK with you, please send me the TeamViewer credentials via PM.
Regards,0 -
A couple of days ago ,an odd thing happened to my Bitdefender, that the Events Module and the Exclusions for Processes have been cleared. Therefore I need some time to replicate the said issue and then we'll have a remote session. . As for now, you are right these are not considered as malicious by IDS.
May be I re-install my Bitdefender.0 -
I will close the topic and considered it resolved. If the issue resurface please let me know. Make sure you mention this topic link for future references.
Best regards,0