Virus Cant Be Moved

I have used the scanning alot since I have installed the BitDefender...and for some odd reason there are some viruses it just cant disinfect and move to quarantine.....and when I try to go directly to the source/containing folder I cant find it so that I may manually put it in quarantine...Whats going on?? Will I never be able to get rid of these viruses??


  • Hello simple6_9guy

    A few possibilities BitDefender or any other antivirus can't remove infections from an installer and rebuild the installer again. That is also for achives. You have to delete them manually. It could be also located in a hidden folder click on start,my computer,go to the tools menu,folder options,display/view,check show hidden files and folders press on apply. Sometimes the files are in use. Can you please post the output of the scan report?

    Best regards


  • I have my computer set on show hidden files and folders already....but it still doesn't show me the files in the source folder.....

    the output is like this....

    the file source...the virus....

    the file source...disinfect failed...

    the file source...move failed...

    sori if this is incomplete...but basically its like this

  • here i got a better report hehehe hope it helps........ ^_^

  • //-----------------------------------------------------------------


    // Product BitDefender Free Edition v10

    // Product 10.2


    // Created on: 02/11/2007 18:06:12



    Virus Statistics

    Scan path : C:\


    Folders : 12045

    Files : 592516

    Memory processes scanned : 41

    Archives : 4305

    Runtime packers : 33776

    Identified viruses : 12

    Infected files : 15

    Memory processes infected : 0

    Suspect files : 1

    Warnings : 0

    Disinfected files : 0

    Deleted files : 1

    Moved files : 8

    I/O errors : 33

    Scan time : 02:33:27

    Scan speed (files/sec) : 64

    Spyware Statistics

    Registry keys scanned : 1700

    Registry keys infected : 0

    Cookies scanned : 89

    Cookies infected : 0

    Spyware files infected : 0

    Spyware threats detected : 0

    Virus definitions : 937378

    Scan plugins : 16

    Archive plugins : 41

    Unpack plugins : 7

    Mail plugins : 6

    System plugins : 5

    Virus scan options


    [X] Scan boot sectors

    [X] Memory Processes

    [X] Scan archives

    [X] Scan runtime packers

    [X] Scan email

    File mask

    [ ] Programs

    [X] All files

    [ ] User defined extensions:

    [ ] Exclude extensions: ;


    Infected objects

    [ ] Ignore

    [X] Disinfect

    [ ] Delete

    [ ] Move to quarantine

    [ ] Prompt user

    Second action

    [ ] Ignore

    [ ] Delete

    [X] Move to quarantine

    [ ] Prompt user

    Virus scan options

    [X] Enable warnings

    [X] Enable heuristics

    [ ] Show all files in log

    [X] Report file: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\Bitdefender\Desktop\Profiles\Logs\deep_scan\1193997972.log

    Spyware scan options

    [X] Scan for riskware

    [ ] Skip dial and applications from scan

    [X] Registry keys

    [X] Cookies


    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\BitDefender\Desktop\Quarantine\--=kezz--==--client--==--kill=--.exe Infected: Trojan.Hacktool.Vb.KP

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\BitDefender\Desktop\Quarantine\--=kezz--==--client--==--kill=--.exe Disinfection failed

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\BitDefender\Desktop\Quarantine\--=kezz--==--client--==--kill=--.exe Move failed

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\BitDefender\Desktop\Quarantine\DHCP IP Forcer Pro.exe Detected: Adware.Generic.2169

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\BitDefender\Desktop\Quarantine\DHCP IP Forcer Pro.exe Disinfection failed

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\BitDefender\Desktop\Quarantine\DHCP IP Forcer Pro.exe Move failed

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\BitDefender\Desktop\Quarantine\smileys.exe Detected: Application.Joke.Ultimate.A

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\BitDefender\Desktop\Quarantine\smileys.exe Disinfection failed

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Application Data\BitDefender\Desktop\Quarantine\smileys.exe Move failed

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Documents\autorun.inf Infected: Win32.Worm.IM.Sohanad.K

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Documents\autorun.inf Deleted

    C:\Documents and Settings\Lester\Desktop\>freewebs/DHCP IP Forcer Pro 1.2/DHCP IP Forcer Pro.exe Detected: Adware.Generic.2169

    C:\Documents and Settings\Lester\Desktop\>freewebs/DHCP IP Forcer Pro 1.2/DHCP IP Forcer Pro.exe Disinfection failed

    C:\Documents and Settings\Lester\Desktop\>freewebs/kezzclientkill/--=kezz--==--client--==--kill=--/--=kezz--==--client--==--kill=--.exe Infected: Trojan.Hacktool.Vb.KP

    C:\Documents and Settings\Lester\Desktop\>freewebs/kezzclientkill/--=kezz--==--client--==--kill=--/--=kezz--==--client--==--kill=--.exe Disinfection failed

    C:\Documents and Settings\Lester\Desktop\>freewebs/the bomb/ThE_BoMb/ThE BoMb.exe Infected: Win32.IM.Flooder.A

    C:\Documents and Settings\Lester\Desktop\>freewebs/the bomb/ThE_BoMb/ThE BoMb.exe Disinfection failed

    C:\Documents and Settings\Lester\Desktop\ Moved

    C:\Documents and Settings\Lester\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\q1g6zbkf.default\Cache(2)\9BFD502Ad01=>Advanced Blood Scroller.exe Detected: Application.Bloodscroller.A

    C:\Documents and Settings\Lester\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\q1g6zbkf.default\Cache(2)\9BFD502Ad01=>Advanced Blood Scroller.exe Disinfection failed

    C:\Documents and Settings\Lester\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\q1g6zbkf.default\Cache(2)\9BFD502Ad01 Moved

    C:\Documents and Settings\Lester\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\q1g6zbkf.default\Cache(2)\ACE50D2Ad01=>mspass.exe Detected: Application.Pwcrack.Mpass.AA

    C:\Documents and Settings\Lester\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\q1g6zbkf.default\Cache(2)\ACE50D2Ad01=>mspass.exe Disinfection failed

    C:\Documents and Settings\Lester\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\q1g6zbkf.default\Cache(2)\ACE50D2Ad01 Moved

    C:\Documents and Settings\Lester\My Documents\>CHU-CHU/exe.exe Detected: Application.Joke.Ultimate.A

    C:\Documents and Settings\Lester\My Documents\>CHU-CHU/exe.exe Disinfection failed

    C:\Documents and Settings\Lester\My Documents\ Moved

    C:\Documents and Settings\Lester\My Documents\STB10.21.rar=>STB10.21\STB\STB.exe Infected: DeepScan:Generic.Malware.GFMym!.FC9FACB2

    C:\Documents and Settings\Lester\My Documents\STB10.21.rar=>STB10.21\STB\STB.exe Disinfection failed

    C:\Documents and Settings\Lester\My Documents\STB10.21.rar=>STB10.21\STB\STB.exe Move failed

    C:\Documents and Settings\LesteR.HOME\Desktop\booters\>InsaneHell/InsaneHell.exe Infected: Backdoor.1060.AJ

    C:\Documents and Settings\LesteR.HOME\Desktop\booters\>InsaneHell/InsaneHell.exe Disinfection failed

    C:\Documents and Settings\LesteR.HOME\Desktop\booters\ Moved

    C:\Documents and Settings\LesteR.HOME\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\qvehidsq.default\Cache\46DDF2A1d01 Suspect: Trojan.Peed.ILV

    C:\WINDOWS\Temp\_ISTMPI.DIR\autorun.inf Infected: Trojan.Agent.AAGA

    C:\WINDOWS\Temp\_ISTMPI.DIR\autorun.inf Disinfection failed

    C:\WINDOWS\Temp\_ISTMPI.DIR\autorun.inf Moved

    C:\WINDOWS\Temp\_ISTMPI.DIR\template.tmp Infected: Exploit.MSWord.Gen.1

    C:\WINDOWS\Temp\_ISTMPI.DIR\template.tmp Disinfection failed

    C:\WINDOWS\Temp\_ISTMPI.DIR\template.tmp Moved

    E:\freewebs\>kezzclientkill/--=kezz--==--client--==--kill=--/--=kezz--==--client--==--kill=--.exe Infected: Trojan.Hacktool.Vb.KP

    E:\freewebs\>kezzclientkill/--=kezz--==--client--==--kill=--/--=kezz--==--client--==--kill=--.exe Disinfection failed

    E:\freewebs\ Moved

  • Hello simple6_9guy

    For the rest BitDefender has already taken action. The first move failed are just because they are already quarantined by BitDefender. Then it isn't possible anymore for moving the infections.

    You have to manually delete:

    STB10.21.rar which is located here C:\Documents and Settings\Lester\My Documents\

    Best regards


  • Ahhh ok hehehe I see...HEHEHE no wonder well thats a load off my mind TY TY again!!!! :P<img class=" />:wub:

  • Hello simple6_9guy

    Glad that I could help you.

    Have a nice week-end

    Best regards
