Restoring Default Settings

edited September 2011 in Feature request


I'm using Bitdefender 2012 Total Security and yesterday I turned off some options when I was playing offline. Today I turned on computer and before connecting to internet I turned on Pilot Mode thinking that it will restore default settings. But it didn't. For example active virus control was turned off. Also antispam and other options which I don't remember what I changed...

Now I'm looking in settings for restore default settings, but there's no option for that! I understand you are thinking that users won't change any settings or remeber how was deafault one? It's ridiculous.

In my opinion there should be new component to save/load custom settings and default(great example you've got in Kaspersky IS2012 which I used in the past). But for now I'm asking how I can restore default settings without reinstalling Bitdefender?

Another suggestion for advence users: one button to turn off and on all protection(another example from Kaspersky 2012).

I'm waiting for your respond...

P.S. Add restoring default settings guide to FAQ.


  • Topic moved to the Feature Request sub-forum.


  • Unknown
    edited September 2011


    Regarding the restore settings please note that you have a 'Default' button under Settings >>> Antivirus. The AVC status is not affected by Auto Pilot so turning it on won't change the AVC feature current status.

    Another way to restore default settings in the entire product is by performing a repair. This will keep the downloaded updates but will restore all the options to default.

    A repair can be done from: START >>> Programs >>> BitDefender 2012 >>> Repair or Remove follow by a PC restart when the process is complete.

    In my opinion there should be new component to save/load custom settings and default

    - we have developed a tool for the 2011 version called Magnus. We are working on a version for 2012, however it is not done yet. As soon as it will be available, I will post an announcement on the forum.

    Last but not least in regards of a general button to disable all functions of BitDefender, I will take it into consideration and discuss it with the respectful team. As soon as we will come to a decision, I will let you know.