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5000 Stock Mart Extra Than 1000 Health


Two years ago, compared with 1,000 points, 5,000 points of China's stock market is more healthy, more vigorous, more worthy of the market expectations, the whole world's attention. Say this is mainly based on eight appearances of the basic judgments.

painstakingly explore the market and the vagaries of environmental development, the Shanghai Composite Index has finally approximated the landmark 5000 with the June 6, 2005 compared to 998 points, 5,000 points is a landmark point , China's stock market to a more lusty capital markets, a new starting point, it marks the development and construction of China's stock market entered a new phase.

compared with two years ago, 1000, 5000 China's stock market is more healthier, more vibrant, more worthy of the market expectations, the whole world's attention, and we mention this is primarily based on 8 zones of basic decrees.

1,1000 point stock market is a comprehensive marginalized, 5000 China's stock market has yet chance the main battlefield of economic development in the system deflect deformation and the twin role of the system, the Chinese stock market has suffered the hardships of the split share the market was the development of marginalization, the regulatory body was marginalized trends, investment also showed a marginal trbring ... to an end the interests of China in the meantime to abandon the arranged economy has created a very strong governmental color of the stock market, stock market and stock market are fleeing in one abnormal state of near-run and now, 5000 is the stock market amendment due to the split share began a result of China's stock market work the bad system of the Chinese stock market is no merely the official boarded the menial, and has transform bigger and stronger Chinese economy and the country's economy from the big economic powers to the main battlefield.

2,1000 point runs counter to the stock market is a market and the citizen economy, 5000 the stock market is closely linked with economic growth and supplement each other in the market due to intrinsic defects in the stock market, bear market in China's stock market below the ; function can be said to be lost in 2001 to 2005, China's GDP grew by almost 100%, while the stock market has elected up the stairs, the actual ebb of 80% in June 2005, China's stock market 1000 point, the absolute market value of Shanghai and Shenzhen was 30,000 yuan, the gross domestic production accounted for only 16.8%; and while China's stock market close to 5000, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market capitalization has approached 21.8984 trillion yuan, and over the previous year's gross domestic production, recommending that the ability to undertake China's stock market has been greatly enhanced with the ability to adjust, in 5000 China's stock market filled with the national economy away from the system due to depression and depression after the market began to really reflect the The overall trend of the citizen economy, the stock market The most notable feature of the metropolis devastated and the dispose of national asset market enthusiasm, the great bull market of the most important function is to present the positive asset effect production a tremendous asset of the market platform for the wealth of society as a whole and thus motivate the enthusiasm which a bull market to the Chinese and China's economic growth is not only a cloud of comprehensive, as well as the basic economic system replacement, is China's new economic system with the new resource allocation mechanism for the formation and the overall healthy functioning of the new starting point.

4,1000 points of the stock market is a mainly activity China's stock market the premier time in the development of assorted types of convergence of the interests of shareholders values. reputation gradually restored function, gradual import tournament, resource allocation from the extemporaneous, the gradual integration of the evolution of the portfolio, are the Chinese stock market really begun to restore its capital ecology .2007 mid-significant increase in extravaganza in the prior year 46.8% of listed companies on the basis of further increases to achieve explosive performance of listed companies has increased significantly, indicating that the resource allocation function of China's stock market is gradually melodrama, market also continued to mushroom during the growing shake toward a virtuous surround.

5,1000 point of no mart because the stock mall is a vision of the market, the stock market in 5000 is expected with the development of a market are expected to gradually clear the market. China's stock market, there is the antique market is anticipated to rend a important ingredient in this state of the market will inevitably be a difficult market tomorrow the new system of market factors, the maximum major feature is the highest from the unfathomable variables into a predictable, reliability constants tin grasp, and thus for the market evolution and market investment is too expected apt establish a elementary system environment can be expected with the objective conditions for the development.

6,1000 points of the stock market is an exogenous variable led and the combined effects of mammoth hot money occasionally tend to make the stock market shot up, and occasionally crash, this ox market of the process, when also creature the process and tempo, rather than the way of the ox market and trends, market forces and the power of capital against the executive power began to show large competence, strength and stress in the Chinese stock market at the plan to hoodwink the era of a object of the past no longer .

7,1000 points of the stock market is a retail-driven market, the stock market in 5000 has become the earth body, notwithstanding the retail stage in China's stock market is still a coerce to be reckoned with, but for China's stock market system promotion of innovation and the growth of institutional investors and the Chinese stock market is increasingly becoming a stage of institutional investors, institutional investment philosophy in leading the market and market trends are playing an increasing role and influence in this process, action of the market will continue to matur.e, the quality and the quality of the market in this cycle will be sublimated to promote and enhance.

8,1000 points of the stock market is a Qi Zhang Qi or , 5000 the stock market is an support of great blue-chip blue-chip epoch is not only the growth of China's stock market development themes, but also is increasingly becoming the market merit of the breakthrough and excavation of the main hints to the value of the market into the epoch of adore for value, will be further build up the process of survival of the fittest of the market, which will in turn enhance the integration of China's stock market bound into the era of comprehensive resources.

the stock market likened with 1000 points, 5000 points is the biggest challenge facing the stock market price-earnings percentage by progressively higher However, the Chinese stock market is in a growing market, not only have a a.dult market with a completely another weigh, and the growth of China's stock market itself is also constantly creating significantly lower price-earnings ratio of internal energy ashore the reality of the situation in Shanghai and Shenzhen , the dynamic price-earnings ratio is also only 38 times, which is the world's fastest growing and in a 28 consecutive annuals of rapid growth of economies in the stock market, not a lofty price-earnings ratio, but also what the bubble is too far large, do not be startled extra do not need to panic.

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