Bd Total Security : C++[ Error]

edited November 2007 in General talk

i got this error many times. before i got it many times and sometimes it was freezing my window and i had to shut down my laptop. and i deleted bd.. but after few weeks; i decided to use bd again[ i like bd professional 9 plus before. now i have bd total...]

i have opnions

- i can say that bd alays slow my laptop

-and ialways got this error. please look at the pic [ c++]

-update .. dose not work smooth... sometime stopped at 44% and nothing happen and sometime can update

pic 2004564567576217127_th.jpg

and wheni open web. bd always ask me allow or not ; i always click remember my answer and ok. but i always ask me!!!! and i had to turn it off>_< i tried to find the way but it always ask me even i open msn but i click allow already.

please check it and c++ above. if can not see the pic then download it.


/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=945" data-fileid="945" rel="">bitdefender_whyyy.rar


  • Long long ago,there was a problem called "the c ++ error". While more and mor people suffering it,the BD have nothing replied to it publicly.What we know is that maybe they are working on it . As for whether they really are,God konws .No one should abuse the consumers' trust ,even some so-called The First Anti......