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Drop Packets /w Firewall On - Dont Drop With Firewall Off


hi, i just upgraded to to BF 2012 and im having issues with my internet connection. for the past week i have been getting bad lag spikes in games. i had tried a handful of solutions to fix the lag spikes ( dropping packets i assume ? ) and one that did was to set network details as follow:

network type: trusted

stealth mode: off

Generic: Yes

I played games and watched streams fine for 2 days, no lag what so ever. Upon more research i found that having network as trusted with disable my firewall for that adapter, which i assume will jeopardize my computers safety. Is this correct ?

At the moment I am using , home/office netowrk, with stealth mode on remote and generic yes, but i have still have "request timed out" when doing ping tests.

I am wondering what I can do to help my computer get a more stable internet connection ?

thank you
