Found A Virus!
do i have to scan my PC immidietly when my bidefender found a virus...?????
because when bitdefender found a virus, it will only alarm you..
there is no option provided if you want to delete it or continue anyway...
and that is a waste of time if you have to scan it rght away... it is 45 minutes...
not like kaspersky.. it will ask you what you want to do...
but bitdefender is way better in finding bugs that's why i like Bitdefender more than kaspersky...
if only it can provide me an option...
are there no option regarding this?
pls help
pls inform me
thank you
Dear sunjam
You should scan as quickly as possible. But normally BitDefender realtime protection will block access to the infected files.So it can cause any harm at the moment.
You can change how BitDefender should react on infections. For the 2008 products double click on the red BitDefender icon near the system clock once you are in the BitDefender Security Center press on settings,click on antivirus,shield,custom,you can now change how BitDefender should react on detected infections: action to take when an infected file is found or action to take when an suspecious file is found. Don't forget to press on apply. For previous versions you just have to click on antivirus,shield,press on custom.
Best regards