Bitdefender Is 2012: Prevent All My Torrents From Downloading?!

Dear all,

I'm a new bit defender IS 2012 user, I have just got this today and I have installed it. Every setting is left as default settings. However when I go to my torrent client(utorrent), im unable to download any torrents. Did it block any ports for it?

How can I solve this problem? Would be extremely happy if someone can help me such a dumb thing with some solutions, thanks!

Sorry for my bad English


  • Hello and welcome to our forums.

    Please open Bitdefender using the desktop icon and click on Settings.

    Select the firewall module from the left side and click on the Advanced tab.

    Click on Application rules. Search your torrent client and click on Edit rule.

    Make the setting for the client just like in the example and reboot your machine.


    Thank you.